Online PSA Course Details

This page describes the online course experience so potential participants can make an informed decision.

The online course uses the PSA Grower Training Manual as a resource, sent to participants once they register.

Successful completion of the online course results in participants receiving a certificate of completion from the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) and the PSA.

What to expect:

Current registration requirements:

Time commitment:



Additional information:

Training team:

Requirements for Completion of the PSA Grower Training Online Course:

To be eligible for a certificate of completion, participants must:

Hardware and Connectivity Necessary to Take the Online PSA Grower Training Course

The online course requires a reliable internet connection and hardware such as a desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or iPad.  Although it may be possible to successfully complete the course on a smartphone, the size of the screen could be a limitation for this text-heavy course.  Use of larger screen is strongly encouraged for the best learning experience and comfort of participants. It is important that the internet connection have sufficient bandwidth and data plan to take the online course.  For more information about technical requirements to successfully complete this course, please visit the linked eCornell resource page.

How to Enroll:

Please email Joanne Rouse at to obtain a registration link and a code for registration fee discount.